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In her four terms, Chairwoman Elise has delivered real results for her community. Her Bipartisan effort have led to jobs, better health care, veterans benefits, and protections for our rights.

Expanded Pell Grants

Elise worked hard to lead legislation that expanded Pell Grants to be available for qualifying students year round. This important win expanded access to higher education and ensures that our students have the resources they need to thrive

Passing the School-Based Health Centers Reauthorization Act

Elise co-led the School-Based Health Centers Reauthorization Act, legislation that will reauthorize the School-Based Health Centers program through 2024 and provide them with federal funding to continue providing students with affordable health care.

Success for Rural Students and Communities Act

Elise worked across the aisle to introduce the Success for Rural Students and Communities Act. This bipartisan bill works to close the attainment gap that is present in many of our rural communities and economies.

National Science Foundation Grant for Clarkson University

Elise announced that Clarkson University will receive a $100,000 National Science Foundation Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Grant. This project will include collaboration between scientists in the United States and abroad to further our research pursuits and expand opportunities for North Country students.

Education Relief for Families

Elise led the effort urging House leadership to relieve North Country families from burdensome federal education mandates so families did not face additional challenges while teaching their children during the pandemic.

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Elise Stefanik

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Your donation will help bring Elise the support she needs to keep fighting for the issues that matter and provide real results.